
Humane Beings

The Humane Being – The Next Step in Spiritual Evolution

“Homo sapien evolution is no longer physical, it is spiritual. A change of attitude, priorities, and means of implementation which extends beyond the reflexive programming of animal instincts and the rationalizations of Ego’s need for advantage and personal preservation extend into a new state of awareness. As the expansion continues, Overleaves no longer become fixed and a person may utilize all of the available qualities at the command of the individual. And the individual seeks fulfillment of their potential with the goal of complete utilization of those faculties for the good of humanity, and all life that supports it. This will be the Humane Being become manifest. It is enabled by truth and creativity and governed by the knowledge of all the aspects of their spiritual signals from Essence – emotion. Not limited to compassion or by it; life transformation lies not in the past or in the future, but what lies within.” Michael’s Consortium

“We are stardust. We are golden. We are billion year old carbon.
 And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.
“Woodstock” Song by Joni Mitchell

In the last stanza the second phrase is replaced (We are caught in the devils bargain.)
I think this song is an amazing and awakening set of insights.

The Humane Being has had many individual iterations throughout human existence. Most were not even famous. They were simply life-alterteringly memorable for those who knew them directly; because of their unique presence and preeminent caring. I present a treatise for a new human paradigm: Homo Transcendicus – the Humane Being from the Conscious-Awareness-Cooperation-Model to replace the Dominance-Aggression-Competition-Model which has made us Homo Sapiens into Homo Destructus and now is leading us to morph in Homo-Technologicus – machine man.